Stranded on a Desert Island...

Assuming food, water and shelter are all accounted for, the eternal question of "what would you bring on a desert island?" is always a fun one to ponder. Music is a necessity and other than strumming a guitar, reading books on a peaceful beach is a wonderful way to pass the time. The following is a list of 15 albums and 10 books I would bring with me to a desert island.

15 Desert Island Discs

10 Desert Island Reads

  • "yeah, I would need electricity for this one"
  • "looks good to me!"

James Hines is a bassist and composer currently residing in Durham, NC. James has played and recorded with an eclectic array of artists such as Miniver Cheevy, Echo Juliet, 3 Penny Opera, Protean Mean, and Anna Rose Beck. James grew up in Dallas, TX and attended the University of Texas at Austin.